Monday, July 31, 2006

Housing Update

So here's a picture of the garden area. The squared off area is ripe with lettuce, spinach, and other greens. And to the right of that is a horse radish plant and a fennel plant that might be dead. Just to the left of the brick pathway is a rhubarb plant (one that already here), plus two other ones that I brought with me from Tulsa.

Here's a picture of Juliana in our hammock tree swing thing. I shimmied up the tree and looped it around. (But before that I stood on the ground and loop a rock, with the rope tied around it, up into the air, again and again. The shimmying method worked better.

Here's a picture of us enjoying the cool 83 degree air that our new Window Unit is providing for us.

And finally, here's a picture of the box springs we built last night.

Since we've settled in, I've been finding all sorts of deals online with new bank accounts and credit cards - and applying for some of them, but I think this house has jacked up my credit and I've been declined, in so many words. Bummer. Juliana just said that this makes me sound like a little bit of freak, but if you're interested in knowing how to make a cool $100 on a Target gift card, you might just want to check in with me. (Yes, I'm turning into Juliana's dad, for those of you who know him!)


Blogger Rick said...

Your place is looking great! I love the hammock chair, the garden space, and the AC unit too! So excited to see you and your new house - soon!

5:14 PM  

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