Monday, April 10, 2006

Unicycle Adventures

Well - it's been two weeks now, and I'm happy to report that I'm well on my way to unicycle riding. It's been a slow, sore process. For the first couple of days, my seat was too high, so I sawed off an inch and that helped. Plus, it takes a little while to figure out to probably mount the unicycle, so my inner thighs took a beating! If that's too much sharing, stop reading now. As I told people, the good news is, I'm learning to ride my unicycle. The bad news is that I may not be able to have kids. Actually, it wasn't really that bad, and now that the seat is lower, it's much easier to mount. When I first started, I had to lean against a wall or have someone hold my hand as I trashed and crashed. Then, last weekend, I went to a bank down town that a covered employee parking area with a great wall to balance on. I practiced there for a couple of our hours. Then, I began to practice in my driveway, under the carport, lurging from pole to pole and riding along the side of the house. Now I can lurch and trash for about 15 to 20 feet before I need to balance on a wall or pole. So what's it like? It's a rush, I'll tell you that! It's the best feeling ever! I'm hoping to learn how to juggle and unicycle and then maybe to unicycle backwards. But one step at a time. I need to learn how to ride for a while without balancing on a wall first. I'll try to post some pictures later today. Final thought: it takes time to learn how to ride, but it's not as hard I thought it would be...probably the first 3 hours are the hardest and then it gets easier after that!


Blogger Rick said...

Sweet! I can't wait to see some pictures! It sounds like you are making real progress - and it's sure a lot faster than my learning spanish. I'll bet you'll be riding easily very soon. Now you just have to figure out how to incorporate uniclycling into your farewell sermon!! I love you, buddy.

7:50 PM  

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