Thursday, May 03, 2007

Birthday Celebration

Twice in one day - it doesn't get much better than that! Last Saturday was Juliana's birthday and we had a birthdayrito party. Basically, it was a big celebration with some of the best burritos you've ever had. We turned part of the back yard into a burrito buffet and then later in the night, had a pinata that was loaded with goodies. I took some good wacks at it, but it was our neighbor Chris who finally busted the thing apart and we swooped down like hawks, grabbing up little chocolate morsels.
Here's a picture of me going at the pinate. After the pinata, we just hung out by the fire.

In my last post, I talked about the rain barrel adventure I've been having, and based on some of the questions/comments, I don't think I explained it very well, so I'll go into a bit more detail. I hope someone else who's interested in rainbarrels reads this...anyway, here's how it works:

You take a 55 galloon plastic barrel and flip it over. The bottom has two bungholes screwed into the plastic. Both of the bungholes are threaded with 1/2 inch thread, so a 1/2 inch elbow screws in perfectly. A five foot piece of hose comes off of the elbow and then attaches by an S-hook to the top of the barrel. At the top of the barrel, on one side, there's an overflow valve and drain that takes excess water away from the barrel and house. I'm thinking of linking barrels so when it does overflow, I just fill up another barrel. I've attached another picture that shows some of this.

Here's a couple pictures of the yard - the garden and some of the new raspberries I planted. Should be yummy, but maybe not this year. We'll see.


Blogger freddie said...

Cool project. Can't wait to try some of the raspberries too.
By the way, your invitations look really nice!

8:09 PM  
Blogger Nate said...

Man, that's some hot ninja style attacking that pinata! Our raspberries are already trying to take over the whole garden, I had to pull some and cut pretty deep to stop the rhizomes from spreading, but we're sort of deciding to give them the back row of the garden... Hopefully this year we'll get a good mess of them to eat! Yum!

7:23 AM  

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